Ryan Shuken is a growth hacker in residence of Chinaacelerator in Shanghai as well as the program director of MOX which is a mobile Only Accelerator. He's been in China for 12 years now building and helping startups (...and failing like all entrepreneurs do).
Ryan is also a co-host at The China Startup Pulse
“Entrepreneurs can build things here so much faster”
Mike got him for a chat at the CHat conference in Shanghai speaking about how western entrepreneurship in China evolved and what's next for tech entrepreneurs boldly coming to China to build their company.
Episode Content:
Introduction of Ryan
The biggest learning Ryan has about startups and expats in China
What Ryan think is a normal track for entrepreneurs in China? How entrepreneurs are starting out in China?
Is China still a good place to live even with rising prices in China for entrepreneurs?
How shell entrepreneurs start in China? Shell I work someone else first? Teach English or immediately build my startup?
Why is it most important to start with your own startup?
"Tech in China" - is this something for foreigners? Most of the successes are in the traditional industries.
Chinese co-founder requirement. Yes or no?
What are some tips, books and resources for entrepreneurs to prepare themselves for entrepreneurship in China?
How can people find Ryan Online?
Episode Mentions:
Enter China and Startup Noodle Mastermind
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Mike's WeChat ID: Michelini
Kamden - Separate club
Ryan contact details:
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
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